C2 Ventures – Fund Profile

C2 Ventures was established in 2014 to provide advisory services and angel investments to early stage startups, carrying out 19 advisory mandates to-date.

C2 Ventures Overview

C2 Ventures Address  Address:
C2 Ventures
99 Warren Street, Suite 71
New York, NY 10007
United States

phone and fax  Phone:

website  Website URL: https://www.c2ventures.co

C2 Ventures LinkedIn and Crunchbase  Social Media:

C2 Ventures LinkedInC2 Ventures CrunchbaseC2 Ventures TwitterC2 Ventures Facebook

C2 Ventures

C2 Ventures Stats and Figures

fund type Fund Type: Hedge Fund

region Region: North America

C2 Ventures AUM Assets Under Management (AUM): More info on C2 Ventures AUM

number of employees at C2 Ventures # of Employees: 4

# of blockchain investments # of Blockchain/Crypto Investments:C2 Ventures portfolio holdings

Crypto only? Blockchain/Crypto Specific Fund? YES blockchain/crypto only fund.

C2 Ventures founded Year Founded: 2001

C2 Ventures Performance Info Performance: Monthly performance data for C2 Venturesis not currently available Performance Data for C2 Ventures.

Chart of C2 Ventures monthly and annual performance

C2 Ventures Portfolio Holdings









C2 Ventures Key People

Chris Cunningham

CEO and Founder

Chris Cunningham, CEO and Founder photo

Chris Cunningham email @C2 VenturesChris Cunningham LinkedIn, C2 Ventures



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