500 Startups – Fund Profile

500 Startups is a global venture capital seed fund with a network of startup programs headquartered in Silicon Valley and is the #1 most active seed fund in the world. .

500 Startups Overview

500 Startups Address  Address:
500 Startups
814 Mission Street, 6th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States

phone and fax  Phone:

website  Website URL: https://500.co

500 Startups LinkedIn and Crunchbase  Social Media:

500 Startups LinkedIn500 Startups Crunchbase500 Startups Twitter500 Startups Facebook

500 Startups

500 Startups Stats and Figures

fund type Fund Type: Hedge Fund

region Region: North America

500 Startups AUM Assets Under Management (AUM): $55 million More info on 500 Startups AUM

number of employees at 500 Startups # of Employees: 50

# of blockchain investments # of Blockchain/Crypto Investments: 20 500 Startups portfolio holdings

Crypto only? Blockchain/Crypto Specific Fund? YES blockchain/crypto only fund.

500 Startups founded Year Founded: 2001

500 Startups Performance Info Performance: Monthly performance data for 500 Startupsis available Performance Data for 500 Startups.

Chart of 500 Startups monthly and annual performance

500 Startups Portfolio Holdings









500 Startups Key People

Christine Tsai


Christine Tsai, CEO photo

Christine Tsai email @500 StartupsChristine Tsai LinkedIn, 500 Startups

Khailee Ng

Managing Partner

Khailee Ng of 500 Startups

Khailee Ng email @500 StartupsKhailee NgLinkedIn

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