Algorithmic Trading LLC – Fund Profile

Algorithmic Trading is an private equity firm committed to exceptional returns for investors through preprogrammed quantitative strategies for actively managed portfolios. We focus on capital growth by investment and hedging strategies from short and long based; cryptocurrency, energy, technology, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and financial sector; stocks, bonds, mutual funds, derivatives and other ETFs.

Algorithmic Trading LLC Overview

Algorithmic Trading LLC Address  Address:
Algorithmic Trading LLC


phone and fax  Phone:

website  Website URL:

Algorithmic Trading LLC LinkedIn and Crunchbase  Social Media:

Algorithmic Trading LLC LinkedInAlgorithmic Trading LLC CrunchbaseAlgorithmic Trading LLC TwitterAlgorithmic Trading LLC Facebook

Algorithmic Trading LLC

Algorithmic Trading LLC Stats and Figures

fund type Fund Type: Private Equity

region Region: North America

Algorithmic Trading LLC AUM Assets Under Management (AUM): $7 million More info on Algorithmic Trading LLC AUM

number of employees at Algorithmic Trading LLC # of Employees:

# of blockchain investments # of Blockchain/Crypto Investments:  Algorithmic Trading LLC portfolio holdings

Crypto only? Blockchain/Crypto Specific Fund?  blockchain/crypto only fund.

Algorithmic Trading LLC founded Year Founded: 2018

Algorithmic Trading LLC Performance Info Performance: Monthly performance data for Algorithmic Trading LLCis not currently available Performance Data for Algorithmic Trading LLC.

Chart of Algorithmic Trading LLC monthly and annual performance

Algorithmic Trading LLC Portfolio Holdings

Algorithmic Trading LLC Key People

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