Benson Oak Ventures – Fund Profile

Benson Oak has almost 20 years of venture capital investment experience on a global scale including the US, Israel, and Europe.

Benson Oak Ventures Overview

Benson Oak Ventures Address  Address:
Benson Oak Ventures
Hamenofim 10

phone and fax  Phone:

website  Website URL:

Benson Oak Ventures LinkedIn and Crunchbase  Social Media:

Benson Oak Ventures LinkedInBenson Oak Ventures CrunchbaseBenson Oak Ventures TwitterBenson Oak Ventures Facebook

Benson Oak Ventures

Benson Oak Ventures Stats and Figures

fund type Fund Type: Hedge Fund

region Region: Middle East

Benson Oak Ventures AUM Assets Under Management (AUM): $25 million More info on Benson Oak Ventures AUM

number of employees at Benson Oak Ventures # of Employees: 2

# of blockchain investments # of Blockchain/Crypto Investments:  Benson Oak Ventures portfolio holdings

Crypto only? Blockchain/Crypto Specific Fund? YES blockchain/crypto only fund.

Benson Oak Ventures founded Year Founded: 2001

Benson Oak Ventures Performance Info Performance: Monthly performance data for Benson Oak Venturesis not currently available Performance Data for Benson Oak Ventures.

Chart of Benson Oak Ventures monthly and annual performance

Benson Oak Ventures Portfolio Holdings

KZen Networks

KZen Networks







Benson Oak Ventures Key People

Robert Cohen

Managing Partner

Robert Cohen, Managing Partner photo

Robert Cohen email @Benson Oak VenturesRobert Cohen LinkedIn, Benson Oak Ventures

Yoni Mindel


Yoni Mindel of Benson Oak Ventures

Yoni Mindel email @Benson Oak VenturesYoni MindelLinkedIn

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