ICONiQ – Fund Profile

ICONIQ Capital is a privately-held investment firm that serves some of the world’s most influential families and organizations. We are a trusted advisor and thought partner, facilitating meaningful strategic relationships across investment opportunities, family governance and global impact. ICONIQ provides financial advisory and family office services, and manages direct investments with a focus on technology growth equity, venture capital, middle market buyout and real estate. .

ICONiQ Overview

ICONiQ Address  Address:
394 Pacific Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94111
United States

phone and fax  Phone: (1)4159677763

website  Website URL: http://iconiqcapital.com/

ICONiQ LinkedIn and Crunchbase  Social Media:

ICONiQ LinkedInICONiQ CrunchbaseICONiQ TwitterICONiQ Facebook


ICONiQ Stats and Figures

fund type Fund Type: Crypto Venture Capital

region Region: North America

ICONiQ AUM Assets Under Management (AUM): $ 1.42 billion More info on ICONiQ AUM

number of employees at ICONiQ # of Employees: 150

# of blockchain investments # of Blockchain/Crypto Investments:  ICONiQ portfolio holdings

Crypto only? Blockchain/Crypto Specific Fund? YES blockchain/crypto only fund.

ICONiQ founded Year Founded: 2001

ICONiQ Performance Info Performance: Monthly performance data for ICONiQis not currently available Performance Data for ICONiQ.

Chart of ICONiQ monthly and annual performance

ICONiQ Portfolio Holdings









ICONiQ Key People

Divesh Makan


Divesh Makan, Co-Founder photo

Divesh Makan email @ICONiQDivesh Makan LinkedIn, ICONiQ

Chad Boeding


Chad Boeding of ICONiQ

Chad Boeding email @ICONiQChad BoedingLinkedIn

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