O’Brien Investment Group – Fund Profile

The OÂ’Brien Investment Group (OBIG) was established by the OÂ’Brien family of Chicago. The firm is registered with the CFTC and is also a member of the National Futures Association. The OÂ’Brien family founded RJ OÂ’Brien over 100 years ago and has been instrumental in the development of the futures industry. Today, the family remains committed to leadership within the industry.

O’Brien Investment Group Overview

O'Brien Investment Group Address  Address:
O’Brien Investment Group
191 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 1025
Chicago, IL 60606
United States

phone and fax  Phone:

website  Website URL: https://www.o-big.com

O'Brien Investment Group LinkedIn and Crunchbase  Social Media:

O'Brien Investment Group LinkedInO'Brien Investment Group CrunchbaseO'Brien Investment Group TwitterO'Brien Investment Group Facebook

O'Brien Investment Group

O’Brien Investment Group Stats and Figures

fund type Fund Type: Crypto Hedge Fund

region Region: North America

O'Brien Investment Group AUM Assets Under Management (AUM): More info on O'Brien Investment Group AUM

number of employees at O'Brien Investment Group # of Employees: 4

# of blockchain investments # of Blockchain/Crypto Investments:  O'Brien Investment Group portfolio holdings

Crypto only? Blockchain/Crypto Specific Fund? No blockchain/crypto only fund.

O'Brien Investment Group founded Year Founded: 2017

O'Brien Investment Group Performance Info Performance: Monthly performance data for O’Brien Investment Group is not currently available Performance Data for O'Brien Investment Group.

Chart of O'Brien Investment Group monthly and annual performance

O’Brien Investment Group Portfolio Holdings

O’Brien Investment Group Key People

John O’Brien

CEO and Portfolio Manager

John O'Brien, CEO and Portfolio Manager photo

John O'Brien email @O'Brien Investment GroupJohn O'Brien LinkedIn, O'Brien Investment Group

Michael Stendler


Michael Stendler of O'Brien Investment Group

Michael Stendler email @O'Brien Investment GroupMichael StendlerLinkedIn

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