Portag3 Ventures – Fund Profile
We make early-stage investments in promising financial tech companies that have potential for global impact. Our long-term engagement offers a unique environment to grow, with robust support, and insight from our partners.
Portag3 Ventures Overview
Portag3 Ventures
161 Bay Street, #5000
Website URL: https://p3vc.com
Social Media:
Portag3 Ventures
Portag3 Ventures Stats and Figures
Fund Type: Crypto Venture Capital
Region: North America
Assets Under Management (AUM):
# of Employees: 30
# of Blockchain/Crypto Investments: 5
Blockchain/Crypto Specific Fund? No
Year Founded:
Performance: Monthly performance data for Portag3 Ventures is not currently available
Portag3 Ventures Portfolio Holdings
Multicoin Capital
Arbor Ventures
White Star Capital
Electric Capital

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Performance Data Available

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* The performance database is only available to accredited investors and qualified clients/purchasers.
Detailed Employee Information

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Fund Portfolio Information

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Social Media Links Available
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