Crypto Fund Research
Reports, News, Charts and Graphs on the Crypto Fund IndustryResearch

St. Gotthard Fund Management – Fund Info
St. Gotthard Fund Management - Fund Profile St. Gotthard Fund Management is an independent wealth management company based in Switzerland. The company is managed by our partners with an extensive experience in the field of Wealth & Asset Management, both on the...

SAVA Investment Management – Fund Info
SAVA Investment Management - Fund Profile The SAVA Bitcoin Volatility Fund, which can take long and/or short positions, aims to profit from Bitcoin price movements by capturing the volatility and combining discretionary and in-house developed algorithmic...

Pulsar Trading Capital – Fund Info
Pulsar Trading Capital - Fund Profile Pulsar Trading Capital is a proprietary trading firm, specialized in quantitative and high frequency trading. The firm was founded in Hong Kong in 2014. Pulsar's vision is to combine innovation and technology to succeed in...

CoinIx Capital – Fund Info
CoinIx Capital - Fund Profile We invest capital in crypto assets, digital corporate rights and equity interests in companies CoinIx Capital Overview Address: CoinIx Capital Ballindamm 37 Hamburg 20095 Germany Phone: (40)356 767 58 Website URL:...

Schema Capital – Fund Info
Schema Capital - Fund Profile Schema Capital is a venture capital fund manager focused on supporting the emergence of Distributed Ledger Technology applications in the financial services industry. Schema Capital Overview Address: Schema Capital Paris...