Union Square Ventures – Fund Profile

Union Square Ventures is a venture capital firm based in New York City.

Union Square Ventures Overview

Union Square Ventures Address  Address:
Union Square Ventures
915 Broadway, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10010
United States

phone and fax  Phone: (1)2129947880

website  Website URL: https://www.usv.com/

Union Square Ventures LinkedIn and Crunchbase  Social Media:

Union Square Ventures LinkedInUnion Square Ventures CrunchbaseUnion Square Ventures TwitterUnion Square Ventures Facebook

Union Square Ventures

Union Square Ventures Stats and Figures

fund type Fund Type: Hedge Fund

region Region: North America

Union Square Ventures AUM Assets Under Management (AUM): $256.798989 million More info on Union Square Ventures AUM

number of employees at Union Square Ventures # of Employees: 10

# of blockchain investments # of Blockchain/Crypto Investments:Union Square Ventures portfolio holdings

Crypto only? Blockchain/Crypto Specific Fund? YES blockchain/crypto only fund.

Union Square Ventures founded Year Founded: 2001

Union Square Ventures Performance Info Performance: Monthly performance data for Union Square Venturesis available Performance Data for Union Square Ventures.

Chart of Union Square Ventures monthly and annual performance

Union Square Ventures Portfolio Holdings



Polychain Capital

Polychain Capital



Stryking Entertainment

Stryking Entertainment

Union Square Ventures Key People

Brad Burnham


Brad Burnham, Partner photo

Brad Burnham email @Union Square VenturesBrad Burnham LinkedIn, Union Square Ventures

John Buttrick


John Buttrick of Union Square Ventures

John Buttrick email @Union Square VenturesJohn ButtrickLinkedIn

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